Четверг, 06.02.2025, 18:15

Сайт РМО учителей иностранных языков г. Энгельса и Энгельсского района


«  Март 2012  »

Главная » 2012 » Март » 2 » Конкурс любителей чтения
Конкурс любителей чтения
Центр информации и культуры англоязычных стран (Saratov American Corner) Саратовской областной универсальной научной библиотеки и Ассоциация учителей и преподавателей английского языка "SELTA" приглашают учащихся 4 - 11-х классов и студентов 1 - 3-х курсов саратовских вузов принять участие в Месяце любителей чтения (Reading Lovers' Month). Подробности в информационном письме.
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Всего комментариев: 1
1 Похазников Илья Алексеевич  
Have you thought , what books do at night in the library? It seems to me, each inanimate being can talk, even books. At night when all people leave the library, from books slowly begin to leave heroes of different books, and travel on the library. They can visit each other. Also they can go on the library and observe it. And they can leave books for communication. Perhaps they communicate with other books.
I think, they leave books for communication, after all they want to talk about what they have heard lying on a regiment or at the reader’s hands. They leave books at night and tell friends about what they have heard. And if they leave books in the morning people won't understand them, and even will be frightened.
I don't know what is happening in library at night, but I would like to see how literary characters leave books and talk with each other.

Учитель: Филь Альбина Олеговна

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